Hiding Behind “The Book”

by Jenna Pastuszek

Are you telling yourself a story that you aren’t ready to audition because your book isn’t ready?

What if a big audition book isn’t a tool that you need right now? (…what if a big audition book isn’t a tool you ever need?)

Some in person auditions are happening again, yes, but they are all invited calls where sides and songs are sent ahead of time and/or the specific material they want to hear “from your book” is requested in advance. HUGE audition books were arguably useful in the pre-pandemic open call days where there might be 8 different shows auditioning on the same place and there wasn’t enough time to get back home before the next one. Since that’s not happening, save your back, and just pack 2-3 versatile songs.

Instead of devoting your energy to creating a large audition book, what if you devoted it to creating a Clip Collection instead? More on that next week…

So now, if a book isn’t the thing standing in your way, what is?

Auditions, MindsetMaggie McNeil