Clip Collections

by Jenna Pastuszek

Oh, self-tapes.

How we love to hate thee.

Unfortunately, and fortunately, they aren’t going away anytime soon.

But the thought of getting out a tripod, blow drying my hair, and putting on anything other than athleisure just to sing 16 bars alone in my bedroom doesn’t necessarily spark joy like getting to sing in a room full of live humans does.

So I’ve decided to create a cute lil’ clip collection.

For open calls, I use a quick, friendly slate that says my name, where I’m located, and my height, and I use a split screen to show a full body photo or two (from the front and the side) at the same time. Another fun option is to pan the camera up and down to show a full body shot while you’re slating. Remember, the point of a slate is to introduce yourself to the people on the other side. So proudly let them know who you are!

From there, I segue into the requested material (song and/or monologue).

Sometimes, I don’t have what they want to see already in my collection, so I’ll record something new.

Other times, I’ll attach a clip of something that I had to prepare for something else.

A few times, I’ve even segued into a previously recorded clip from a live concert, class, or show.

And occasionally, when they ask me to say something in my slate that I don’t already have recorded, I’ll just film a new slate and attach it to an old video.


The clip collection is the virtual audition book. It’s versatile, it’s easily updated, it’s strategic, it’s yours.

And when this collection gets you into a room full of live humans, you can walk in confidently knowing that they liked the human they met on their computer.

As long as you’re following the instructions and including the material and information the team has asked for, allow yourself the freedom to use what you’ve got and update as necessary. Think of it like a wardrobe. Upgrade when you want, hang on to things you love until you don't, throw out the tattered shirt when it no longer serves you.

Happy singing!