Dear Resistance

by Jenna Pastuszek

As we look toward a new year, I’ve been thinking a lot about resistance, a concept Steven Pressfield talks about in his MUST READ book, The War of Art. Resistance is defined as: self-sabotage, procrastination, fear, arrogance, self-doubt…basically, anything that gets in the way of people achieving their creative dreams.


It’s a shape shifter, constantly showing up just as I’m calling my creative muses to begin.

It appears in the form of me checking my email while I’m trying to finish writing this blog post.

It looks like stalling on printing out my audition sides until the last possible moment so that I can blame my lack of preparation, not my talent, for not getting the part.

It whispers: Don’t reach out to that person and ask for that thing. They think you’re annoying and talentless. 

It illuminates time killers like TV remotes, social media apps, dirty dishes, and online shopping to help me avoid concentrating on the task at hand.


Reading these, you might think: “Sheesh, Jenna. Tell Resistance to go the F away!” However, as annoying as it is, and as much as it gets in my way, I believe it may be a necessary part of the creative process. It may be the catalyst for creative change.


Walking into the new year, I have decided to make friends with my resistance. Better yet, I’m going to ask it for help:

Dear Resistance,

Here’s the thing: You spent 2021 trying to protect me, I get it. You tried  to save me from potential hurt, disappointment, rejection, pain. And I appreciate your loving gesture and sincere attempt at shielding me from a world that can be cruel and from people who can stomp on and/or ignore my dreams.

HOWEVER, in 2022, you don’t need to worry about me!

You see,

I am a lady boss.

I am a fucking warrior.

I am a radical, radiant being capable of overcoming obstacles en route to conquering my creative missions.

I have survived hurt, disappointment, rejection, and pain before.

I will survive it again.

I have finished one project only to begin and finish another.

I will continue to move forward and try and try again.

I must.

I must.

I must.


So, I ask for your help. Help me by letting me risk, by setting me free, by opening me up to vulnerability and encouraging me to adventure and explore. Encourage me to try, to say “fuck it”, and to dream.

Come into battle with me instead of persuading us to sit on the sideline. It will be more fun! Life isn’t life without the messy moments, without the painful burns, without the hilarious attempts at victory, right?

We have to risk in order to find out.

2022, ready or not, here we come.



PS- Thanks to fellow creative warrior Susan Blackwell for the inspo.