A Wonderful Life Hack from Randy Graff

by Jenna Pastuszek

Change worry into wonder.

Replace “I worry that…”


“I wonder if…”

Do this in your acting work to find the positive choice, create room for discovery, and invite possibility.


Do this in your life to find the positive choice, create room for discovery, and invite possibility.

Thank you, Randy.

Last January, if you had told me that at some point in 2020, I’d co-teach a class with one of my musical theatre idols, THE Randy Graff, I would’ve laughed at you (I was worried I wouldn’t be good enough).

 And then, in October, it happened. It was incredible as we learned from one another and helped artists express themselves (now, I wonder what other magical possibilities collaborations can bring).

What might be worth wondering about in the new year for you?

Where can you replace worry with wonder?

PS- Look out for more opportunities to work with me and with Randy in 2021.