Show The Brush Strokes

By Jenna Pastuszek

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Creativity is a messy business.

What would it look like to create outside of your pod of protection?

What would it look like to be able to share your work freely with others, even when it’s not perfect?

What would it look like to embrace your humanity, celebrate your vulnerability, and lead others by way of example in claiming your passions out loud in public?

When you look back at your life, your artistry, your creative career, will you be proud of the risks you took? Will you feel fulfilled knowing that you gave gifts to those open and interested in receiving them? Will you feel like you contributed to something, to someone, to a cause bigger than you, by showing up bravely and consistently?

What would it feel like to expose your brush strokes to others if you knew that they had the potential to inspire a stranger, uplift a family member, heal a friend, encourage a child, mend a broken bridge between people, provide a moment of respite, reflection, joy, contemplation, laughter, catharsis, etc?

We need your artistry.

We need your vulnerability.

We need your ability to express your humanity, messy brush strokes and all.

What can you share today that might have the ability to make the world just a little bit better for someone else?

Keep going.

In the mess, we find the masterpiece.