Reindeer Games: Audition Season Style

By Jenna Pastuszek

Happy Holidays, everyone! 

As a token of our appreciation for all of our clients, friends, and collaborators, we bring you  our IVS Reindeer Games: 2020 Audition Season Edition

Image for Reindeer games.png

Consider printing this out and putting a copy on your wall or sticking a copy in the back of your  audition book. 

Use it to challenge yourself to break any rules, habits, or storytelling that's negatively affecting  the creative mission you're on and trying to achieve. 

Use it as an inspiration launchpad to dare to give yourself permission to fully SHOW UP in the  room as the creative genius you are. 

May 2020 be the year that you put fun, spontaneity, the power of mental and physical  presence, joy, creativity, and ownership back into your auditions. 

*A special thank you to the Fall 2019 BADassery for their contributions to this list.