Eat Your Vegetables

By Jenna Pastuszek

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Every 1950s television show has that iconic scene where the family gathers around the dinner  table. Little Brother Billy sits at the table looking miserable and grumpy saying, “But MOM! I  don’t WANT to eat brussels sprouts.” And Mom retorts back, “Eat your vegetables! They’re  good for you.” 

Now replace “Eat your vegetables” with “Sing a song.” 

I'll be Mom. 

You: "But MOM. I don't WANT to sing." 

Me: “Sing a song! Music is good for you.” 

The great thing about our current quarantine situation is that there’s nothing to prepare for!  You don’t have the obligation to sing anything specific. F*ck working on your audition book.  Forget the packet you could maybe probably should kinda sorta want to put on tape. You don’t  have to finally get around to learning the songs your voice teacher or audition coach  recommended to you that you never listened to three years ago. 

Keep it simple. 

Take a breath. 

Close your eyes. 

Ask yourself what music would make you happy to add your voice to today. And then sing it. 

Science tells us singing makes us live longer as happier humans. 

Let's get happy! 

What are you going to sing today?