A Year Without a Broadway


Today marks a full year since Broadway went dark.


A lot has happened. A lot has changed.


You’re in a continuously evolving production of Into the Woods.


And like Sondheim says, “You’ve changed.”


Take a moment to reflect today.

Here are some questions to think about:


If you knew then where you’d be now, what would you do differently?


What skill have you picked up or what activity have you prioritized in your life since last March that you plan to keep in your life moving forward?

What’s important to you now that you may not have noticed before?


Have you changed your mind about what artistry looks like?


What contributions are you still able to make to your world, even without a stage?


Where else have you found creative inspiration?


What does success look like? What does it feel like?


What’s been made possible for you that wasn’t before thanks to technology?


Who have been your personal heroes during this time? Have you told them?


Who do you wish you could connect with? Can you connect with them today?


What have you learned about yourself over the past year? What have you learned about others?

What do you still want to learn more about?


What’s in your control that you couldn’t recognize before?


Without all of the noise, what do you hear more of now?


I’m thinking about you today.  
